Once Seen Never Forgotten:
An interview with
By: Miss Guy
I first laid eyes on Pinkietessa at a Culture Club concert in Los Angeles in 1983. She was by far the most outrageous person there and the most outrageous person I had ever seen in real life. Maybe some had come close in the English music magazines I would drool over but Pinkietessa was out of this world! I remember going up to her and asking her how she knew Boy George and without missing a beat, she said I used to babysit him. I probably didn’t get the sarcasm then but in hindsight she couldn’t have given a better answer if it had been written for her.

Originally from England, Pinkietessa was a vital part of the Blitz scene along with Boy George, Marilyn, Philip Sallon, Steve Strange, etc. and moved to Los Angeles for a short time in the early to mid 80s. Me and my best friend Lauren would always be thrilled when we saw Pinkietessa at a show or at a party. She was, and is, walking art. She’s been in Hollywood movies with Charlie Sheen and Maxwell Caulfield, she’s been on TV with Boy George, she’s hob-knobbed with some of the world’s biggest stars, she’s recorded music, she’s been on stages all over the world and she’s been sweet enough to do an interview with me for Punk Globe. She is quite funny, and quite frank, as you will see. Enjoy!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Do you prefer being called Pinkie or Pinkietessa?
My Name is Pinkietessa™. My name carries a European Community Trademark which I choose to use because I paid for it. This in theory should protect my intellectual property rights (IP) or at least should alert ‘those that would transgress’ that I am prepared to do so. Not probably what your question meant but that’s what I’m saying on the subject.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
How old were you when you started dressing up?
I don’t dress up. I wear clothes that I prefer to other styles one can buy on the High Street or the like. As someone once said of me, “she walks to her own beat of her own drum” but if you want to hear of the time I was ordered off the news room floor of a leading newspaper for wearing what was referred to as a ‘Cocktail Dress’ I will. I went immediately to the Father of the Chapel (a union Rep. to you) and said “All out brothers!” No I didn’t the FOC (Father of the Chapel) said I could wear whatever I wanted as long as I was still capable of doing my job. A bit of marabou has never stopped me banging away at a keyboard. Neither did it stop ‘them’ trying to send me home every so often for transgressing the ‘made-up in their heads’ dress code.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
How important is image to you?
Obviously very but it is only a part of a whole package that is P for Pinkietessa™. I am a brand in any modern vernacular.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Describe the feeling you had when you first stepped into a nightclub.
I don’t remember, so obviously not that important to me.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Who and/or what were your biggest influences when you started dressing up? What influences you now?
I know that I am influenced by everything that I am subjected to, but I cherry-pick and know what goes with what. What they are I don’t care to isolate but I can say that I’m quite interested in boxing and greyhound racing at the mo.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Do you find it easier to have an original look nowadays or was it easier in the beginning?
No, I don’t find it difficult at all. I was told recently that a very famous pop artist had, according to this source, taken directly from my image. Ripping-off a contemporary is fatal. The originator is always going to move on. Then the rip-offs are liable to fall flat on their faces. They might not but usually do. I have come across folks who have "psychic-vampired" off me in the past and now they look “comfortable” to say the least. That’s “comfortable” as in comfy-cozy.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Were you a fan of the Punk movement?
No, strangely enough, I was not!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
How was Punk different in London vs Los Angeles?
Punk was already “last year” when I arrived in LA and I thought a punk with a tan looked like an oxymoron. But today in LA, Punk seems to be referring to an alternative lifestyle or a way to dress. Whilst in London there are many looks and lifestyles. In LA they seem to perceive only one and therefore only one noun exists for a lifestyle that came out of that period. In LA they don’t seem to have any understanding of this, so best not to mention it.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
What made you decide to move to LA? Did you move there alone?
I didn’t decide to move to LA in theory. I went on holiday and stayed a bit longer than anticipated. I had friends already there. It wasn’t a difficult thing to do. I don’t do anything in total isolation. I’m cat-like in as much as I adopt somewhere next to move in and I’m not just talking about houses here!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
You were good friends with Texacala Jones from Tex and the Horseheads, do you still keep in touch?
Yes, I was good friends with our Texacala. We lived together on two separate occasions in LA, once when I was in need and then when she was in need of somewhere to live, she moved in with me. We still are friends and yes, we do keep in touch.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Do you ever miss LA?
Nope. But I enjoyed my time there. I’ve found another cat basket and I’m not talking baskets here either!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Who is your favorite movie star?
Lucille Ball because even The Signor Pinkie (like Desi Arnaz) doesn’t recognize his nearest and dearest when she’s sporting a false mustache. Example of false mustache wearing:

Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
What is your favorite movie?
Raging Bull. I love the ring, I love the blood. And if you believe that, you’re a greater man than me, Gunga Din! I don’t have a favorite film.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
If time travel were possible, what era would you like to visit? And what city?
It’s not possible to time travel and I doubt it ever will be as it requires all these periods of time to be running in parallel with now. It doesn’t make any darned sense to me. Notwithstanding, I am perfectly happy with ‘The Pinkietessa Present’ and to answer your question, I don’t want to live at any other time than the one I live and have lived. I do a bit of dwelling in London so I must imagine it a fairly grand place to be.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
What kind of music do you enjoy listening to? Do you have something special you like to put on while doing your make up?
I don’t really listen to music of my own volition very often. I listen to speech radio, which is why I’m well informed and fairly knowledgeable but crap at spelling as I’m dyslexic. I have made music with my friend Robert Gordon and you can find it on YouTube, Amazon and all good retail outlets on the internet and a bunch of bad ones too probably! My favorite song at the moment and is a right old ‘ear-worm’ is Finchley Central, found on my U for Underground, right at the end:

Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Have you always done your own hair and make up? Has a make up artist or hair stylist ever done you?
I have always done my own hair and make-up. I have never met anyone that I trust enough to do either. They might be out there but I’ve never met them. I can’t bear not to be doing anything, so if I’m sitting in a chair then I might as well be doing my own make-up and hair. Furthermore, I take better care of my skin and its preparation for make-up than any professional I have ever come across but then I’m rarely made-up by professionals so it might not be a fair reflection. The same goes for the care of my hair. I’ve definitely never met a hairstylist that knows how to treat bleached hair. I know it’s a shock but it’s not my natural hair colour.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Who designs your clothes? Do you sew?
I design my outfits et al. Yes, I can make clothes and I’m one of the best that I know. A telly gal asked me to do a TV Show called “Snog, Marry or Avoid” or whatever it’s called. How insulted was I? I am one of the very best that does what I do. I’m good on the trumpet too! My own, blowing!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Do you ever go out of the house with no make up, your hair not done, wearing sweats? What do you wear around the house for comfort?
No, of course not. I wear a Peignoir around the house. The only other person I know who favors the Peignoir, or knows how to say it, is Eve Ferret, the Fabaret Star and generally all round good egg.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Do you remember the first time you saw your photo in a magazine? I remember seeing you in Scratch magazine all the time!
No, sadly not. But I’ll tell you a near amusing tale. The Signor Pinkie & I used to regularly holiday in Italy, staying with an influential bigwig in what was once a small fishing village. Vittorio was constantly hijacked by the locals demanding to know who I was. Vittorio would relish the attention that I created informing anyone that would ask that I was a famous actress. The second question to follow that was naturally ‘so what films has she been in?’ Never hoisted by his own petard, he would gesture in that manner only an Italian can acknowledging the question with a shrug and respond “Arrh! Too many to mention”. This story was related to me by The Signor Pinkie as I was never privy to these enquiries. But apparently no one ever enquired of The Signor Pinkie, which amused our host immensely.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
When did you move back to London?
I moved back to London in the nick of time.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Do you like New York? If so, do you ever visit?
Yes, I love New York. It’s the city that never sleeps so I can always have breakfast… at Tiffany’s. You must see my wee film T for Tiffany, You will just love it:

I think an A-Z of New York is in order, don’t you?
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Let’s find me some funding. It’s a challenge! Ha!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
What was it like when all of your friends from the London scene started becoming really famous? Were people happy for each other or was it more competitive?
Are you crazy? The mentality of the English hates anyone getting on but they will never admit to it. I prefer to work together with folks and I have a marvelous team that have been working with me to put “Pinkietessa’s™ A-Z of London” (PAZL) together.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
What was it like going to The Grammy Awards with your good friend Boy George?
The Grammy Awards as an event is fairly boring. It goes on for hours, punctuated with famous folks going on and doing a turn, which is obviously entertaining. I found it most interesting chatting to the ‘professional seat fillers’ and Cyndi Lauper’s mum who I sat next to for a time before she buzzed off backstage. We arrived at the event late because the limo driver, a very nice gal who was obviously waiting for her big chance in Hollywood, couldn’t find my address. When we eventually arrived, there was the longest queue of limos of all shapes, sizes and colors lining up to drop off their famous contents. George had forgotten to give the chauffeur a sticker to put on the window which allows the car to enter the road directly in front of the auditorium and “they” wouldn’t let us in. So we had to get out of the car and walk the 200 yards or so to the entrance. The others rushed off and I was left to close the door and run after them. At that time, George was huge (not size-wise yet!) and once we got to the entrance I’ve never heard such a roar from the stands on the other side of the road. George and I sat in the front row, that’s how big he was at the time. As I said, Cyndi’s Laupers crew was on my left and on George’s right was Lionel Richie and his wife with a diabolical hat-thingemee on ‘er ‘ead! I had barely taken my seat when a rather nasty piece of work from behind was ordering me to remove my hat. I was wearing a huge black & purple striped picture hat. Once seated and properly arranged, I removed my hat. Bear in mind no one is seated when an act is performing so nothing was actually happening. When I removed my hat, I had a further fabulous hair effect going on beneath, to which George made the comment “I would have expected nothing less” and that’s the thing I love George most for is his turn of phrase and ability to appreciate and get what other folks are doing. He is spot on in that regard. When we left we went out through the stage and came across Leonard Bernstein, one of the most famously, fabulous musicians ever. He asked George who his marvelous companion was. George said “Oh, that’s just Pinkie” and we were off because if I didn’t follow I’d be left behind, so I never had a chance to talk to the great Bernstein. That evening we went to see Joan Rivers do a show on the Strip and then to dinner at Spagos. As we left Joan said to me “If you need any help just let me know” and was gone into the night.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
If you could have dinner with any celebrity, alive or not, who would you choose?
I’ve had dinner with Lauren Hutton, Penelope Spheeris, AA Wilson, Joan Rivers, George O’Dowd, etc. There might have been others but I can’t remember. So I have broken bread with a celebrity or two, alive and dead. As long as someone is up for a laff, I’ll dine with them. Serious folks need not apply.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Did you perform while living in Los Angeles?
Yes! Life is one helluva performance in LA.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
How would you describe your look in five words?
There is only one word to describe my look: “Floccinaucinihilipilification” but the ‘value add’ is immense! Ha!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
How long does it take you to apply your make up?
It takes me 5 minutes. As I am never late, no one has need to worry about my time. If I am late, you will, however, know that ‘The 8.21’ from Finchley Central has been derailed and that I will still only be 10 minutes late. That’s me, reliable, punctual & perfect.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Were you influenced at all by the punk aesthetic?
I don’t know what you mean by that but as an explosion of newness (at the time) I believe it was hugely influential and it has now penetrated many areas of our everyday life, probably without even being noticed. As an idea of style, a concept, or music, it has really held little interest for me. I did like George (O’Dowd) calling Philip (Sallon) “The last punk standing” and it really sums Philip up for me. It’s also very funny & accurate. I used it on my radio piece that used to go out to LA (and the rest of the world) and it went down like a wet Tuesday in February. Philip really is a true punk because he has moved on and evolved and will always be finding the next thing, the next look. Philip is a true original. Like Philip, and this is probably the only time we ever veer into the same box, I don’t believe in labels of any kind. Btw, I do love Philip, but for no longer than an hour at any one sitting! Ha!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Oh, I love your work. And you are a really smart bird (as in intelligent). That’s the best compliment I can have. Leigh Bowery paid me the best compliment, sorta on those lines, when he said my work was many layered, frothy and pretty on top, on a second viewing rather interesting, on a third view, “well, there’s more going on than you give her work credit for” or something like that.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
How do you feel about the attention you get on the street?
I’m not that interested. But out the corner of my eye, I like to see bikes colliding, firemen & hydrants bursting and the bread slice turn to toast. Pinkietessa just can’t help it!

Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Have you ever been to Tokyo?
Yes. Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
What were the three best live shows you’ve ever seen?
I don’t really do “the best” or “my most favourite” or that kinda thing. I either like something or I don’t and I’ve never been able to remember back-the-ways past Tuesday as I’m always on to next thing.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
How did you come up with the idea for your radio show?
I was asked by the DJ who was doing a show on the radio in LA. We have mutual friends in common. I skyped in a piece once a week from September to November in 2012, except for one week when I went down with a truly heavy cold and could barely speak. It’s finished now. I would like to do more live broadcasting but for now I have to finish Pinkietessa’s™ A-Z of London. Found on Pinkietessa’s YouTube channel, or chanel as I often write!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
What is your favorite creative outlet?
Fighting and brawling!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Deborah Harry or Madonna?
I don’t do “eithers” either. Neither do I have any idea what the price of a pint of milk is. And I don’t care. Ha! That is also what I saw someone write about me on Facebook. A “FB friend” was describing how I did this and how I did that, ”and do you know, she doesn’t care!”. Laff, I nearly fell off my toadstool! It’s official, “I don’t care!”
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Prince or Little Richard?
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Marilyn Monroe or Jayne Mansfield?
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Jean Harlow or Clara Bow?
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Marlon Brando or James Dean?
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Elvis or The Beatles?
Of the above, I neither prefer either one above the other. They all provide something different and interesting. Well, maybe not Prince or the Beatles! Ha!
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Please tell the Punk Globe readers what you have planned for 2013 and how they can find you online and beyond.
Once I’ve finished Pinkietessa’s™ A-Z of London, which I should do by mid-year, I will embark upon my next project which has to remain a secret until exposed. I’m also looking for funding & sponsorship in a big way. I also want to increase the number of folks subscribing to my YouTube. And hot straight off the press machine, I have an exhibition confirmed for October. It’s an installation of all the parts that make up Pinkietessa’s™ A-Z of London (PAZL)-films, photographs etc. plus merchandise with a Pinkietessa Shop. It will be the first time all the films can be viewed in one sitting. October 4th through the 6th at WW Gallery in London.
Miss Guy / Punk Globe:
Thank you Pinkietessa™ for being YOU! You can find Pinkietessa™ on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Also check her out at www.pinkietessa.com
And to all of you Punk Globe readers, until next time… Kisses from New York!