Raider's of Rock's own
Kevin Smith
Interview By: Cyndi Ford
What makes every music lover drool? Seeing remarkable music collections! If you belong in this group, then the new reality tv show, Raiders of Rock on CMT is a must see for you. I am a card holding member of this club, and when I got word that my friend Kevin Smith's tireless efforts had paid off, and he had put together a show that revolved around this obsession. Needless to say, I was happy to help get the word out to my fellow club members. So if you like seeing guitars, and memorabilia, check out the show, you never know what you will see! I was lucky to ask Kevin a few questions that I had after checking out the show, hope you enjoy!

Raiders of Rock, The Cast: Robert Reynolds, Steven Shutts and Kevin Smith.
Punk Globe:
You have been working on the new show "Raiders of Rock" for quite a while now. Could you tell us all about how the show came to be, the cast, and some of the obstacles you had to over come?
Kevin Smith:
Rock & Roll is a prirate ship you hoist your flag, raise your sails and fill the decks with scalliwags. Raiders of Rock was pitched 8 years ago and many Ramen noodles latter it has arrived. We were in the future then and now the world has finally caught up to Robert , Steven and I. There are no obstacles in life only opportunites for we are all pirates on this big blue ship we call planet earth. Think about it we are all floating on a rock in space what problems could possibly occur to stop us from arriving at our desired destination. It's only Rock & Roll and we like it.
Punk Globe:
How do you go about finding the interesting collections on the show?
Kevin Smith:
The love of people that is how it is all done. Nothing in life happens if one is selfish so the love of people and being selfless enabled me to find what I was looking for. Example: It all starts with a dream…one day I dreamed I would find the only PINK Floyd floating pig in private ownership in the world. The next day my phone rang and a lad said "would we like to come and see his pig it floats." My reputation is impeccable for I am loving to all, honest and beyond reproach and with those laws in place I am able to move freely and knock for the door shall be opened it is the whole of the law. Love is Punk/Punk is love go ask Johnny Rotten he will tell you the same thing I am sure of it for he went from the Sex Pistols to staring in the new production of Jesus Christ Superstar. "Now that is Punk Rock"
Punk Globe:
You are on the cusp of the wave of odd collecting shows, how do you plan to make yours stand out?
Kevin Smith:
Standing out is nothing more than rolling up ones sleeves and doing the work it takes to get the desired results. There is no competition is life for the one who knows themselves. We just made our show with as much love as we could and our hope was to take people away from their worldly cares for a moment.
Punk Globe:
You are also a musician, how does this help and hurt what you chose to bring to the show's attention?
Kevin Smith:
The important thing to me is not any attention that may come my way as a result of the work. My thoughts are how many people can I raise up on the pirate ship and help. I am here to be of service to others and not myself. Example: When I meet a musician the first thing I do is ask two questions 1. Why are you on stage? If the answer is anything thing other than to serve my audience…I am the F### out of their space fast because they will not make it and bring me down. The second is what is the last book you read? Those two questions tell me everything about where you will go in your musical life. Here is one of many examples of my musical training. Real Nashville Moment: I was blessed to be of service and take care of John Nuese of "The International Submarine Band" with Gram Parsons for 8 months. In that time John became my musical mentor who taught me all the sacred knowledge that him and Gram Parsons learned while they were starting out on their musical journey together. We physically and mentally pulled out the guitars and I put in the work to learn, while John was able to reconnect with his younger self. We listened and played along with all the records that had inspired him and Mr. Parsons. The knowledge of the guitar was one part and the other was each night he had me read all the books that they read. His story of being with Jimi Hendrix and Brian Jones at The Monterey International Pop Festival was amazing and a thousand other exciting tales of his musical adventures. I was blessed to be of service to John and I in turn learned the sacred knowledge that I carry with me through all my days:) "A well read musician is a happy musician." - John Nuese
Punk Globe:
I love your choice in clothes, tell us about your collection of interesting attire?
Kevin Smith:
One word Manuel When one is on stage, on screen or on a date with a lover and they feel that can't make it through the next line or chord of a song Manuel's cloths will carry to the finish line every time. Manuel adopted me the third day I was in Nashville after he heard my work. He has taught me many things in life one being "It doesn't matter what kind of car you drive for what truly matters is what you like when you step out of it." Ok! He is a f###ing genius who has dressed everyone from James Dean, The Rolling Stones to Jack White and everyone in between.
Punk Globe:
The show is set in Nashville, where the shop is located, the town has had a re-birth, one could say with our generation, can you describe what you think draws so many musicians our age to Nashville?
Kevin Smith:
Nashville is the greatest place on earth period. Nashville is a true community is every sense of the word and it will be the entertainment mecca of America before the story is completely written. Why because as a community we all support each other here and welcome all who enter our midst with love providing they are entering with the same intention. Musicians come to Nashville to chase a dream, but they find something even better than fame they find themselves and who they truly are.
Punk Globe:
How can fans help ensure that there will be another season of "Raiders of Rock"?
Kevin Smith:
Go to "Raiders of Rock" and leave as many comments as you can that would be of great service to us and in turn we hope to continue to make y'all happy.