Gregg Allman and Hank Williams Jr
6/21/13 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater-Atlanta
Show Review By: Cyndi Ford
Nothing is better to do on the first day of summer, than go see a great outdoor show featuring two of my favorite artist, Gregg Allman and Hank Williams Jr. Both iconic, both controversial, and yet still on the top of their game. Both have battled their demons, and yet still on the top, that in my opinion is a true testament to their pure talent. All I can say, is what a fantastic show.
The evening started with Gregg, looking better than he has in years, and sounding fabulous. He played all the classics, but my fave of the night was Statesboro Blues. He continues to be one of the hardest musicians to photograph, as he stays well hidden behind his piano. But he did eventually venture out and grab a guitar, and showed everyone just how well he is looking these days. Classy show as always, Mr. Allman, kudos.

However, things took a turn to give the good vibes that I had going a sharp stab in the back. While waiting on my friend to return from answering the call of nature, a young kid who worked at the venue walked up to me and informed me that I must go out of the venue, and walk back in. What the hell? I asked him to repeat himself, and he said the same thing. He insisted that I do it right at that moment, and said I could simply turn around after exiting, and come right back in. I explained that I was waiting on my friend, and could not leave that moment, but would oblige him in his crazy request as soon as I could. Which I did, as soon as I could with him as my escort, insuring that I did what he said. Ironically, as I was going back in and gave the person my ticket, they informed me that it had been used. “Duh” I said, “by me”. I explained that they person (I pointed him out) told me I had to go out and come back in. Thankfully they let me back in, but left me totally confused, on their rule that all press had to do this.

Well, I tried to readjust my attitude, and prepare for Hank’s portion of the show. At that time, I ran into another photographer, and they explained to me that the staff made every photographer take their equipment to their car after the 3 song limit on shooting, and return to their car before Hank’s performance to get their cameras. WTF???? Well I felt lucky that I had not been made to complete their silly rule, and proceeded to venture to the front of the stage for photos.

Hank Jr, and the rest of his band came on stage, and electrified the crowd. Gregg had mellowed everyone out, now it was Hank’s job to set them on fire, and get the fans to their feet. I was happy to see the return of Michelle Poe to her rightful position on bass, and Jimmy Hall back on sax/harmonica and fulfilling his job as leader of the band. (He was not with Hank when I saw him last year) Ricky, Mike, Joey and the rest of the band were in perfect form, and they all put on an excellent show. Hank Jr, was typical Hank. Yes, he is full of himself and is proud to say he is his daddy’s son. But he is iconic, extremely talented, and is one of the best performers to get the crowd going and ensure them all a wonderful time. He plays many instruments, and demonstrates some of them in his show, a small portion that he does alone on the stage. It takes a special kind of person to be the front-man of a band, and Hank is that kind of person with an exclamation point. It is plain to see why he has such loyal fans, he has earned each and every one of them. I love ya Hank.......and always will.
I would like to mention, that there was an attempt to make me take my camera to my car, which was parked a mile away, after taking the photos of Hank. To the wench that thought her job gave her the right to grab me by my arm, as I exited out of the photo area, I want to say, “ kiss my ass”. You were not successful. You did get a beer spilled on my leg, which did not feel too good, considering I had scandals on. And I am sure you got an ear full, as I yelled over the music, “what is the difference in me having a camera, and everyone else having cameras and cell phones?” She did not even want to allow me to go get my purse, and camera bag. I went to my seat to get these items, and hid. I have never been treated in such a manner in all my years of reviewing shows. I will never return to this venue, until this rule is changed. I was literally hunted down. To have someone put their hands on you is unacceptable. How do they think one could write a review on a show when they are walking for miles during the show. But in the end, I won, and that is what matters....but this battle is far from over, and I hope to have this ridiculous rule changed.