The Pushrods
by Lois Dolan

Punk Globe:  Tell me who is in the band and what you play?
Ritch Sabin - Guitar/vocals
Ron Grace -  Bass
Tim O'Hearn - Drums

Punk Globe:  The band has been together for over a decade but with this line up since 2002? 
Yes.  Ritchy has had the band since 1996, Tim came on board 2002 and Ron joined 2003

Punk Globe:  Do you play most of your shows in the New York area or do you play thru the East Coast? 
We play all of NY from Buffalo to NYC, it's a big fucking state.  we are branching out on the East 
coast PA, MA, and we spent a week down in Tampa, FL in March

Punk Globe: You have a reputation for incorporating a lot of theatrics in your live shows with porn. 
Tell the readers about
a show.  
We have neon lights and signs: SEX, PUSSY etc. don't forget our songs themselves, we have dancing 
girls in Vinyl. All girls are encouraged to join us on stage !!!  you just never know what you are going to see!  
Its never the same, never planned.  we have talked about hiring a stripper for a big national show

Punk Globe: Can you tell us about your wildest show?  
We were playing a show in a small town in upstate NY the crowd was getting into it, we had girls 
dancing on stage with us and one girl threw her top off and started rubbing her tits all up and down 
Ritchy like something right out of Girls Gone Wild video.  I give the fucker credit because he was right 
in the middle of a hot guitar solo and never missed a note.  now that's fucking concentration!!!!!!

Punk Globe: Have you ever performed naked? I remember see The Red Hot Chili Peppers when they just 
wore socks over their dicks and of course the late Buck Naked performed with a plunger over his genitalia?  
No we don't want to see ourselves perform naked and I don't think anyone else wants to see that either!!!! 
We strongly encourage all woman to bare it all!

Punk Globe: Has any of your shows been shut down because the owner felt you had pushed the limit? 
Yes / we were shut down about 4 songs into the set one nite because of the lyrical content and the fact that Ritchy 
opened the show with "We need more Pussy up Front".

Punk Globe: The bands Betty Blowtorch and the Toilet Boys both have had problems with some clubs because they 
worked with fire in their act.  Especially after that Great White incident.
We haven't had any problems, we always get permission first.  Surprisingly, there are a few places that have let us.

Punk Globe:  Have you played with bands like The Genitortures?
No but I think it would be a great line up.

Punk Globe:  Tell us about your song that is in the independent film "Plastic"? 
The title of the song is "You're Lucky I don't own a Gun".  The title fucking says it all !!  we have seen the scene in 
the movie where the song will be used.  scene:  a middle aged guy diligently sharpening a big ass blade right after 
getting in a argument with his girl friend.  Works for Me !!!!!!

Punk Globe: What label is your CD on?
It is a self release.

Punk Globe: You get a lot of European air play with that right? 
Yes we have started getting a lot of European attention, the internet is Fucking great!

Punk Globe: Have you played in Europe yet? 
No but we would fucking love to.

Punk Globe: Have you played the West Coast yet? 
Not yet, we are talking to a promoter out in CA now with hope of possibly doing some shows late this 
year early next.

Punk Globe: Who are your influences?
Singer/song writer Rich Sabin 's influences are The Ramones, Joy Division and Sex Pistols. 
Bassist, Ron Grace , has an 80's metal background, and drummer Tim O'Hearn is influenced 
by the sounds of Dream Theater.  That may sound like an accident waiting to happen, but somehow it clicks and 
throbs and hammers and pounds

Punk Globe: Any last thought for our readers?
To get the pornographic scoop on us go to our website:

Pick up copies of our new CD "Girls in Vinyl Skirts" or "XXX" @:
also checkout or music video for "Girls in Vinyl Skirts"
Thanks for everything Lois.  May the Porn be with You!


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