"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> No Age
Everything In Between
By: Mary Leary
I've only listened to some of No Age's last full-length' Nouns' after hearing this new one. And I can see what rabid fans are on about when they say EIB is less amazing. But it can be hard to come up with an equally scorching handful of material within two years - look at Weezer's career. Almost like a response to the dilemma' the L.A.-based skate punkers throw down the rather pretty "Common Heat'" which seems to be about disappointing others and/or being frustrated by life's demands. And "Katerpillar" seems to be about killing (1 minute and 30 seconds of) time. And' uh' "Sorts" is kinda aimless. But "Dusted" does a nice job of meandering - like something you'd hear on a soundtrack and think' "I need to find out who that band is."
No' Virginia' No Age isn't dead. There are still a few here that make me hips shake and me head bang. "Fever Dreaming" rocks like crazee' with driving guitar and a vocal screeching away like something from Saw 7: this is the shit. The mixture of sweet' guitar-driven melody with the old four-four and No Age's nasal' bratty vocals make "Valley Hump Crash" a winner. And the classic punk creativity of call-and-response-based "Chem Trails" may point to some new paths for the duo to tread. "Noise rock"? Jeez' promoters come up with some weird descriptions. Actually' for an in-betweener' this all falls together pretty well - if it were No Age's debut' folks would probably be waving pom-poms.