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Dear Lo Do; IA'm a singul vailabull feller livin in one of them, gud trailers in a nice park in Spuzzum Canader. I sure lik the way you rite yOu sound smart AND purty. I gots'd a gud job{chikenplukr} an make losta money.
Can I by you a drink sumtime.
ps I gots'd the best Corning ware in MY trayler.
Hurtin fer U.   Spuzzum B.C.

Dear Spuzzum  BC
Your sweet letter brought a smile to my face and made me reminisce about all the various men in my and my beautiful daughter Kathi's past. I sometimes kick myself for saying no to a marriage proposal from Ty Pennington but at the time he was a nobody with a megaphone. He would drive my darling daughter Kathi crazy with that megaphone. We would all be at a Four Star Restaurant and Ty would insist on ordering for us all -using that awful loud abrasive megaphone.
This brought back painful memories  for Kathi  from  her days  when she worked for Kenny Rogers at his famed Kenny Roger's Chicken Franchise. It seemed that Kathi was more than just just an employee in Kenny's mind and he began stalking her.  It was horrible.. Kathi would be working the drive thru window and Kenny would place an order -his gravel voice sounding alot like Ty's.  When Kenny drove thru to the window  he would have a  bottle of Ever Clear  100 proof  exposing himself to poor Kathi. This went  on for nearly two years until I contacted my old pal, Gloria Alred, who put a end to Kenny's "Choking The Chicken" once and for all. We went in front of Judge Maybelline who warned Kenny " Do it one more time to Kathi and I will personally cut that greasy old gizzard off myself." 
So when that night with Ty and his megaphone....Kathi's nightmare memories of Kenny's gravel voice thru that speaker box took over- she went ballistic and clocked Ty with a hammer from his tool belt. Luckily for Ty  he only needed 200 stitches and was back at work the next day.
Now what time do you wanna meet Kathi and I for cocktails?

Dear Lo Do:
I am an oldschool raawker with  beautiful red headed wife. She's sort of the
60s Tina Louise type. We are farmers in Canada and I am very happy with our
lives. My wife never wants to go out and have fun anymore, she just wants
to sew, do scrapbooking and hunt frogs with the kids in our ponds. Will I
ever get to Raawk again Lo Do?
Not Dead Yet...Chilliwack, B.C.

Dear Not Dead Yet:
Funny you should mention the lovely Tina Louise in your question because it was Tina who  saved my beautiful daughter Kathi from having a Frontal  Lobotomy when  she was  faced with almost  the very same quandary you have.
Kathi was an avid watcher and fan of the CBS hit show "Green Acres "  on TV Land. One day out of the blue... Kathi  decided that she and I should  go on a road trip staying with various farm folk to learn some  "good common sense."  Oh it was a sight to behold seeing the two of us in bib overalls and DE-Tasseling corn, Slopping the Pigs and Plucking Chickens and making Moonshine  just  like "common hill people." 
 My very near and dear friends Omarosa  Stallworth and Janice Dickinson decided to travel with us and film a documentary of our adventures.  They thought it would make a good movie and  took the idea to the networks but oddly enough - we never heard back from them.  
Well imagine our shock when Fox Television broadcast "The Simple Life" having Nicole Ritchie taking on Kathi's role and Paris Hilton as myself- the one and only -LOIS DOLAN .
Kathi had a nervous  breakdown and was hospitalized  in a deep trance. One day her Nurse Rosa Lopez  had the TV on and  a rerun of "Gilligan's Island"    featuring  the glamorous Tina Louise as "Ginger" appeared on the screen. Kathi immediately bolted  up out of that hospital  bed as if she had been struck by Lightning.  She dashed home  and put on her "Sexiest" Janet Weiss ( "Rocky Horror Picture Show" ) outfit on and high tailed it off to the Strand Theater.  In  no time  flat she was kicking up her heels in front of that screen, laughing  lipsyncing and having a grand  ole time.... Not a care in the World.
Of course you will rock again my dear.

Dear Lo- Do- (Lois):
I am going crazy with this ugly jerk neighbor above me. He drives me nuts with his loud overbearing big mouth booming, horrible taste in music (he dresses hardcore punk, but listens to techno dance) and constant pacing back and forth like he has a bad case of the runs. It's not like he ever wears anything special except his work boots from Payless Shoes and his only two strands of hair gelled  and extended out from his baldhead like antennas. What can I do?
I Hate Tuna - Los Angeles, CA 

Dear I Hate Tuna:
I so relate to your problem. I feel so much sympathy for anyone who has lived with my darling daughter Kathi. She is in non-stop rehearsals for "The Wizard Of Oz", "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and now "Napoleon Dynamite" will it ever end? Mind you, I am not a prude but it seems like she is very clumsy, tripping and falling down all the time- not to mention singing off key. It was like having Starr Jones living in the house. I have no idea why Kathi (and Starr for that matter) had her big mouth open in the first place.  Her performances on stage, entails only lip-syncing to the movies that are playing on the screen, so why so much racket?  I called my close pal Carmen Elecktra (we are so much alike, almost like twins) to see exactly how she handled Dennis Rodman's loud parties. Carmen gave me her magic number for peace and quiet - 911- I myself have had my lovely daughter Kathi arrested 4 times for disturbing the peace.


Dear Lois:
I was having a terrible time with this guy. He was a heavy drinker and abusive. I want nothing to do with him. He begged me to take him back. Not a chance pal- He left some of his valuable stuff at my house. What should I do?
2 to Life

Dear 2 to Life:
Your question brought back painful memories for my beautiful daughter Kathi. A few months back I took pity on and hired an alleged musician to work as a Cabana Boy to take care our 60 foot heated pool. It started off with small amounts of change missing from Kathi's wallet, and then we began getting obscene telephone calls. Then some out of focus photo's of us in states of undress in our elegant changing room by the pool came in the mail. Can you believe the gall of this pushy photographer she even enclosed a cheap business card with outrageous prices listed for duplicates of this filth. I smelled extortion so I immediately called my good pal Shug Knight and filled him in about this "deadbeat" and we have NOT heard a peep from this wanna be Frank Sinatra Cabana Boy and the dime store photographer. Lesson is never let a con into your life unless you have back up. As my old drinking buddy, Judge Judy would say "sell his things, think of it as recovery money for pain and suffering.'


Dear Lo-Do:
I am a single gal and I am looking for my Prince Charming.  Someone who is kind, supportive, respectful and most important loving. Where do I go to meet such a man?
M. Sherman
House Springs, MO

Dear M Sherman:

This is a question my beautiful daughter Kathi asks me daily.  I really have never had that problem.  I have the gift of gab, as well as good looks, so people are in general attracted to me.  I have had the fortune of knowing so many men in my life.. It is ridiculous!!  My good pal, Tyra Banks, cannot believe I am 64 years old.  She thinks I look younger than Kathi...

Now what was your question? Oh, just go to a bar like "Hooters" or "Scores."  Look for an old big spender with lots of gold chains and rings.  You will find your "prince charming" in no time.  It is with that same sage advice that Anna Nicole Smith met her late husband Howard.. Go For It Girl!!
Lo- Do


Dear Lo-Do:
I play guitar in a famous band.  I thought all was going great, until my bass player and drummer up and quit.  What should I do?  I have a huge show in SF in July.  I am frantic, help me find me someone.  FAST!
Lost Working At Home Depot
East L.A. , CA

Dear Lost @ Home Depot:
You are in a Pickle.  I had a similar problem when I was remodeling my beautiful Victorian Mansion in S.F...The house is located in Pacific Heights near Danielle's Steel's home.  Anyway, I was frantically looking for some reputable help. Then low and behold while driving in a seedy area of the city, I saw a sign, that said, "will work cheap." Of all places in front of the HOME DEPOT.

I hired them on the spot and these fellows did amazing work for pennies on the dollar. They even installed a 60 foot heated indoor pool, that my lovely daughter Kathi and I do laps in.

Perhaps, you would like to apply for a Cabana Boy position with Kathi and I. This will help you pay for some pro musicians to play with you.  Plus you will be in SF. Problem Solved. 


Dear Lo-Do (Lois):
I saw you on My Space and I have only one problem.  How can I win your heart?  I think I love you..  We can run my  biker bar together.
Billy D Your Man in San Diego, Ca

Dear Billy D:
As good as your proposition sounds, I am looking for that "pot of gold" and I don't think it will be at your bar.

Your proposal reminds me of one long night with Donald Trump.  We were at a bar drinking shots of Tequila.  After about 15 shots, Donald looked at me "Lois -- we''re going to the Reno to get married."  It was 1:30 AM, I picked up my daughter Kathi at The York Theater to be my bridesmaid.. Kathi was dressed as Dorothy Gale.  She had our little Scottish Terrier in a basket for her on stage performance in front of a Midnight Showing of "The Wizard Of Oz."
We hit the road .. Unfortunately, I got caught doing 110 in a school zone.  The Arresting Cop looked at Kathy, then at Donald and I.  He then named us Auntie Em, The Powerful Wizard, Dorothy and Toto.  He demanded we walk a straight line down the yellow brick road.   Alas, we were detained and I never became Lois Trump..


Dear Lois:
I want you now! Please ditch the other jokers be a groupie
for Johnny Satanseed Express.
Love you To bits

Dear Johnny:
Give me time to go to my closet and pull out the Daisey Duke shorts that Jim Dandy the lead vocalist from Black Oak Arkansas gave me.. He wanted me to sing back-up for the band. I was Jim Dandy's "main squeeze'  during the bands peak  and it was Jim  himself who taught me how to make 100 proof  "moonshine."

Of course, I was merely a young child at the time, so my darling daughter Kathi never got to see me dressed like "Ellie Mae Clampett on Crack.." 


Dear Lo-Do:
My boyfriend is putting pressure on me to visit his parents with him.. I am not exactly the type of girl that they want dating their son. They think I am cheap and sleazy. Do you have any advice?

Dear Morticia:
I can relate to your problem although it is not something I have ever experienced myself. All of my boyfriends families have absolutely adored me and begged me to be a part of their family. In fact I was a VIP guest of Oprah's at her recent party honoring the Black Women she most admired.. I ran into an old flame John Travolta who told me his family still ask about me.

Now, my daughter Kathi has not had my good luck. Her boyfriend Ned’s family did not think she was good enough for their son. They wanted a solid farm girl to work at their Meat Locker. She was absolutely devastated by this rejection. She begged me to ask my good pal Sally Jessie Raphael, for a Makeover. Three weeks later poor Kathi came home weighing 220 with a red bob hair-do, wearing a dowdy size 20 pants suit and large red glasses. Ned’s family liked the change but she knew this look was not for her. 'Show Biz ' was in her blood.. She cried herself to sleep for nearly a week. It really put a damper on her dressing in skimpy lingerie as “Janet Weiss”, in front of the midnight showing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at The Strand Theater. She was counter plating suicide until I bought her a long flowing light golden brown wig. I also made her run 40 miles a day to get back to her hour glass figure.

The moral of this story is do not alter your appearance for anyone but yourself.


