Interview With Fire Bug
by Steve DIY

I heard Fire Bug through My Space and had to hear their debut EP. So eventually it arrive leaving me impressed so an interview was always on the cards. Here´s what they had to say:

Punk Globe: Can you introduce Fire Bug to the world?

Fire Bug: Absolutely! There´s Jules Shapiro on lead guitar, Ty Dennis on drums, our new bassist Ian Solomon, and myself, Juliette Tworsey on vocals/guitar.

Punk Globe: What inspires you to play the music that you do?

Fire Bug: Love, loss, joy, sadness, comedy, politics, and life and all its goofiness!!

Punk Globe: Your music is very mellow and easy to chill out too so is this what you set out to do?

Fire Bug: No, we have never really set out to do any specific thing. There have been times where we have been heavy, times where we have been mellow. Basically, we just write how we feel at the time without giving a whole lot of thought to it.

Punk Globe: Juliette you have an amazing voice? Are you a trained vocalist or just a natural?

Fire Bug: A little of both, I guess. I started singing with no real training, but then started to take lessons...It´s been about 10 years now. I have an amazing teacher here in Los Angeles.

Punk Globe: How pleased are you with the finished product of your EP?

Fire Bug: Very!! Things just seemed to gel with the new recordings and the production is the best that we´ve ever had. That makes us feel good.

Punk Globe: Are there any changes you´d have liked to have made to it?

Fire Bug: Hmmm.....That´s a tough one. A few months or so down the line I´m sure we´ll start to nit-pick away on a thing or two just like we always do. As of now though, we´re pretty satisfied with it.

Punk Globe: So what kinda gigs do you get and what bands have you got to play with?

Fire Bug: We generally play around the Hollywood/Silverlake area in L.A.. We just played at a showcase in New York at CBGB´S a few weeks ago....We´ve played with Nina Hagen, Donovan, Tom Morello, Betty Blowtorch, and many L.A. bands.

Punk Globe: Are there any plans to tour on this EP and if so where?

Fire Bug: We´re shopping our stuff around so we can get some backing to tour.

Punk Globe: There´s a few of you in the band so any funny stories to share?

Fire Bug: Yeah, once we were offered "fog" or "no fog" onstage, so we opted for the fog and danced around the stage like we were serious in our spinal tap moment.

Punk Globe: Anything you´d like to add?

Fire Bug: Thanks for having us even though we´re mellow!! God, I never thought anybody would say that, but there it is damit. We´d love to come to the U.K.! My (Juliette) mum grew up there, so I feel a connection..Bloody hell, ya know? If anybody knows of any agents who could get us over there, pass it on! Peace....

Thanks to Fire Bug for getting the interview back so quick. Please do go to the reviee section of this site to check out what I said about their EP. Great band and I can´t wait to hear more!

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