August 2022


Blu-ray Review By: Jaime Pina

Director Norman Jewison has a filmography that is all over the place and filled with classics. He has done drama, comedy, action films and musicals. After directing the controversial film adaptation of Jesus Christ Superstar, Jewison’s next release was intended as a Sci-Fi cautionary tale about the brutality of network sports, the dangers of corporate expansion/greed and the death of individuality and he succeeded. But fans at the time and the growing audience the film keeps attracting find the film to be a kickass action flick and that the sport of Rollerball is totally rad.

James Caan (The Godfather, Dick Tracy) stars as Jonathan E., the Houston Rollerball team captain and the one superstar of the sport. Governments have crumbled under the power of corporations worldwide and John Houseman (The Fog, The Naked Gun) plays the chairman of the Energy Corporation and they are the owners of the Houston, Texas team. The chairman, with the sinister name of Mister Bartholomew, wants Jonathan to retire because the corporation feels his popularity will cause the public to lose focus on being team players and start thinking as individuals. Jonathan does not want to retire and starts looking for answers as to why the corporation wants him to quit and who exactly runs the corporation. As he looks for the truth the rules of the game start changing resulting in several players dying during the course of the contest.

Long in need of a quality upgrade you can now enjoy the film with a new 4K scan. It has always been a murky looking film in order to put across a documentary look to the game scenes and create a sense of paranoia overall. The game sequences all look and sound crushing on this disc. Extras include single commentary tracks with both director Jewison and writer William Harrison, a vintage featurette and interview with Caan, a new interview with stuntman Bob Minor and trailers.