October 2020


Pitch Black
Arrow Films/MVD
Blu-ray Review By: Jaime Pina

I must admit to being pretty much not interested in Vin Diesel. I didn’t see Pitch Black when first released and have absolutely no interest in knucklehead films like The Fast And The Furious franchise. So when this came across my desk I figured I would give it 5 or 10 minutes and see what was up. I’m pleased to say that I really enjoyed this flick and thought Vin Diesel was outstanding in it.

Taking elements from films like Aliens and Starship Troopers, Pitch Black takes the concept of being stranded on an alien planet and throws in some very eerie H.P. Lovecraft inspired creatures and really hits the ground running. Keith David is also in the cast and when it comes to dealing with hostile alien creatures this was not his first rodeo. The direction by David Twohy is stylized but he does not go overboard with it and keeps the pace brisk. The creatures are scary and formidable and the action set pieces are excellent.

The review package I received had a regular Blu-ray and a UHD disc. This release comes with a ton of extras including commentaries and lots of making of and production shorts. If you have not seen this and love sci-fi action then this is a must see.

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