August 2020


Dream Demon
Arrow Films/MVD
Blu-ray Review By: Jaime Pina

This 1988 film produced in England is a rather nifty little romp. With similar themes to Nightmare On Elm Street, it concerns a bride-to-be who is having violently gory nightmares. Her fiancé is a military hero and as some unethical journalists hound her, a young American girl approaches and helps her. They get to know each other and are linked by the house the married couple will be living in. As the story progresses her dreams start to blend with and affect reality.

This production is very well done over all and the gore scenes will satisfy the diehards, but also there are some interesting and well-executed imagery and story here to enjoy. Horror fans will notice little bits of Dario Argento and Wes Craven influence but with a distinctly British flavor. The picture and sound are very good and the extras include interviews with the cast and creators, a making of documentary, a trailer and more.


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